Super Yummy Very Berry Salad

After our weekly family bowling outing… I made some Very Berry Salad. My kids only wanted to eat the strawberries. LOL I also had some bing cherries on hand but I didn’t think that their flavor would compliment my berries, so those will have to go into something else OR just be eaten alone.


I’m happy that Albertson’s had all of the berries on sale too. So for about 6-8 servings (depends on what size dish used) I paid about $10! Awesome score. 🙂 

Inside the Very Berry Salad:
Blackberries (6oz.)
Blueberries (6oz.)
Raspberries (6oz.)
Strawberries (Not sure… added til I felt I had enough, LOL)
Topped w/ Turbindo Sugar

It was absolutely DELICIOUS! I took it to work with me for my break time snack because where I work they also sell food but isn’t nutritional at all. The girls on my team were  so JEALOUS! LOL

Happy Eating!

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