About Lil Ole Me

Thank you for taking your time out to learn a little bit about me. I’m a married mother to 4 beautiful children (2 girls, 10 & 3 and 2 boys, 7 & 5). I started my quest to vegetarianism after my first child was born in 2000  but went “semi-vegetarian” in 2002. I’m going to admit right now that calling oneself “semi-vegetarian” doesn’t really make sense to me NOW but I didn’t fully understand that until I went lacto-ovo vegetarian in August of 2008.

I think it’s a big misconception for the most part when it comes to “semi-vegetarian”, vegetarian and veganism. There are a lot of people it seems that call themselves vegetarians because they don’t eat beef and pork but still eat chicken, turkey, fish, etc. I commend those who do try to embrace the non-consumption of animal flesh. So at my job when we have potluck type deals they tell me, “oh we have some chicken over there for you vegetarians.”, I kindly look at them and politely tell them that I don’t eat ANY animal flesh. I mean they try when they don’t even have too.

But this blog isn’t about other people’s conceptions, it’s about my OWN personal growth as a compassionate human and my footprint on Mother Earth.

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